Vicky Pryce – Economist and Business Consultant
Vicky Pryce is Chief Economic Adviser and a board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). She was previously Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service. Before that she was Partner at the accounting and consulting firm KPMG after senior economic positions in banking and the oil sector. She holds a number of academic posts and is a Fellow and Council member of the UK Academy for Social Sciences, a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists and a Companion of the British Academy of Management and is a frequent media commentator on UK and international economic, monetary and political and social issues.. She is co-founder of GoodCorporation, a company set up to advise on business ethics, a patron of the charities Pro Bono Economics and Working Chance; a member of the Advisory Board of the central banking think-tank OMFIF; on the advisory group of Better Statistics CIC; and a fellow of the Radix Centre for Business, Politics and Society. Her books include: “Greekonomics: The Euro crisis and Why Politicians Don’t Get It”; “It’s the Economy, Stupid- Economics for Voters”, with Ross and Urwin; “Redesigning Manufacturing”, with Nielsen and Beverland; and “Women vs Capitalism”.
Ian Harwood – Economic and Investment Adviser
Ian Harwood is a leading and award-winning practitioner in the City, focused upon global economic and financial developments. He has in recent years undertaken a wide range of economics-focussed, investment advisory and educational roles. He is currently Economic Adviser at Redburn and also acts as Independent Investment Adviser to a number of institutional investors and is a Trustee Director of the UBS Pension Scheme. He is a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists, having served on the Society’s Council from 2008 to 2017, where he advocated substantive changes in the way economics is taught in British universities and has been an employer representative on the QAA’s Economics subject benchmark statement committee. He also led the creation of the Society of Professional Economists’ Continuing Professional Development programme and is currently the Society’s Book Reviews Editor.
Nikos Konstandaras – Columnist and Psychotherapist
Nikos Konstandaras is a columnist at the newspaper Kathimerini. He is the founding editor of Kathimerini’s English Edition, which is published as a supplement to the New York Times in Greece and Cyprus, and he edited it from 1998 to 2017. He was managing editor of the Greek edition of Kathimerini from 2004 to 2017 and a contributing op-ed writer for the New York Times International Edition. He studied Ancient Greek (MA, Wits., S. Africa) and worked as a correspondent for The Associated Press in Athens from 1989 to 1997, covering the broader region. He has trained as a therapist at the Hellenic Institute for Group Analytic and Family Psychotherapy.